Book Review: Princess Fluffy Plumpkin Eats Pink by Chris Roy


Blackberry Book Tour

February 28 – March 03 Chapter book, 32 pages. Link for the book
Princess Fluffy wasn’t accepted as royalty. She didn’t have colorful fur like her sisters. Even her own parents, the King and Queen, treated her like a common Plumpkin. After many attempts to change the color of her fur, Princess Fluffy discovered that looking like a common Plumpkin had its advantages, and was able to do what her brother the Prince couldn’t β€” save the royal family from winter doom. The Kingdom named her a hero, but does that make her a real princess? Brimming with motivation and uplifting moments, this story is great for kids that may be experiencing difficulties with obesity, body shaming, or racial issues β€” or simply enjoy fairytales and lots of pink! “Fluffy and pink. No need to say more! This is a wonderful modern fairytale about belonging, acceptance and self-love.

“I can’t cope with so much cuteness.” – Carola Schmidt, bestselling children’s author and science writer

My Review

This book is a delightful celebration of ourselves and how it is great to be different, rather than trying to fit ourselves into a cookie-cutter mold.

Princess Fluffy has long white locks that would be the envy of many, except she doesn’t like them. Why? Because she’s part of the royal family, and the rest of her relatives tell her that only short, colored fur is okay for a royal. So Princess Fluffy starts to hate her long fur and has the gardener cut it short. Then she eats pink shoes and flowers. She even scarfs down a whole pink bicycle in an attempt to turn her fur pink! But even after eating pink stuff to bursting point, her fur only gets a pink tinge. She is so frustrated that she can’t fit in. The one advantage is she can play with the regular kids in the Kingdom because they don’t know she’s royalty.

Then a blizzard hits the Kingdom, and the only one who is camouflaged in the snow is Princess Fluffy. Not only does she stop the Kingdom from being attacked by the monster eagles, the Pooflies, but she also grabs some firewood and thus helps to heat the royal palace until the blizzard is over. Now that Princess Fluffy has saved the day due to her white fur blending into the snow, the royal family celebrates her and accepts her different fur type. At last, Princess Fluffy finds the acceptance she has always craved.

This is an uplifting story about learning to love yourself, instead of changing who you are, which kids will love. The illustrations are also super cute and and I guarantee Princess Fluffy will win a place in your heart!

My Rating:

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ /5

About the Author

Young Adult books:
    • Sad Sally Salad
    • Alex
Children’s books:
    • Ronin Cleans His Room Like a Ninja
    • When a Brave Bear Fights Cancer (by Carola Schmidt, edited by Chris Roy)
    • Chubby’s Tale: the true story of a Teddy bear who beat cancer (by Carola Schmidt, edited by Chris Roy)
    • Little Ricky’s Ambition (by Richard Lewis, Jr., edited by Chris Roy)
    • Princess Fluffy Plumpkin Eats Pink


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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Karen

    I don’t know Chris Roy but the book seems a nice and easy read! I will check it out, thank you so much.

  2. Kristy

    Love this review! Thanks!

  3. Beth

    It is great to be different. I want to embrace this and live this way rather than trying to fit into society. Thank you for the book introduction.

  4. Lavanda Michelle

    Seems like a great book for my little niece, I will gift it to her for her birthday. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ella English

      Oh that’s wonderful. I am sure she will love it.

  5. Yeah Lifestyle

    It really does sound like a lovely children’s book. I think my kids are too old for it now but one I would have read to them when they were younger

  6. Jupiter Hadley

    This sounds like a great message for the age group the book is targetting! Thank you for sharing as I had not heard of Princess Fluffy Pumpkin Eats Pink before.

  7. Tammy

    These all sound like great reads from the author for little ones. Such an adorable illustrated book. I think the little ones will love this.

  8. Luna S

    The title is cute and the character looks pretty adorable too! Great find and thanks for sharing it with us.

  9. Children’s books are amazing. Especially when they come with illustrations and a story. Adore this one.

  10. Natalie

    Aww that is the most adorable book! The perfect read for kids who love all things pink!

  11. Mleissa Cushing

    Love this and may have to pick this one up to add to my daughters book collection πŸ˜‰ I love good books like this!

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